Best app ever anyone who hates it is a big fat fricken idiot do download
Best app ever anyone who hates it is a big fat fricken idiot do download
not the least bit user friendly or entertaining
Hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hate is a very strong word
Right when I ruened detector on it goes WEWO WEWO LIKE CRAZY
Was hoping for real detections but nope. THEY ARE ALL LIES!!
Lol I point it down at my younger sister and it says "beauty not found".
This app is so AWESOME!!! I love it so much. It tells he truth.
Even though it was a prank app, it was so fun to play with!
If you like pranking you should get this app it is amazing for pranking your friends or family or even. ROBBERS (lol) its also good for trolling people IT IS AN AMIZING APP GET IT NOW
This app is PERFECT for pranks. I suggest you get it right now, RIGHT NOW, ITS AWESOME!!!!
This is one of the best games Ive ever played and its a prank you idiots who think that the game is so stupid that you rate it one star and the stupid idiot whos name is stacyyyyyy yeah you need to use your brain and shut the f$&@ up so do not say that we need to use our brain so get off the internet if you dont know what youre talking about
This app worked as a prank but was really not real. This game could use some work but was still quite fun